There's much more to using KLIK's Video Conferencing Integration that's newsworthy, but we thought we'd touch on a detail that the big platforms seem to have forgotten to tell users.
You see, if you want a video conferencing setup in your meeting room, you'll have to pay for the "room" subscription. As of this article, Zoom charges $49 per room subscription, up to 49 rooms. Microsoft charges $40 per room for Teams Rooms Pro. Want to avoid the cost of a room subscription? Well, until now, the options have been limited.
KLIK offers a better way to hold "room-quality" video conferences without the cost and complexity of a room subscription.
Every KLIK-equipped screen can now be used for room-quality conferencing, with just a personal subscription, even a free one. Plus, with KLIK you can forget about the cost of a dedicated computer to host the conference calls and instead use any Windows or Mac PC, including laptops. And, you can do it all without wires!
More flexible conferencing, room quality audio & video, no capital cost for a dedicated PC and no more room subscriptions.
Here's how it works. Choose your audio and video peripherals; from integrated video bars to individual cameras, microphones and speakers. Anything with a USB connection can plug right into the KLIK directly. More sophisticated peripherals can connect through an interface, so knock yourself out. Beamforming microphones, zoned speakers and AI-powered cameras are all welcome.
Users connect to the room's KLIK and use the connected peripherals wirelessly. In fact, you can start a Zoom call on a laptop in your office, walk to the meeting room, then move the call to the big screen and AV system. All without skipping a beat. Oh, and you can disconnect from the room system and keep the call alive on the laptop as you walk back to your office.
As colleagues join the meeting while you're hosting a call on the big screen they can also enjoy the high-quality audio and video. Plus, they can share content to the big screen and the far side, without logging into the video call. No more confusion or feedback as local users connect to the call just to share a document or screen.
And as if this wasn't enough, local participants can watch the shared content right on their own device, even grabbing screen-shots as needed. That's still without joining the call.
Okay, let's add it all up. 1/ No dedicated video conferencing computer (~$2,000), 2/ No room subscription (~$5-600/yr.) 3/ No custom Control System to make things work together (~3,000), 4/ No feedback, no confusion, better engagement and smoother operation (~priceless).
We've done our part, the next move is yours. Book a live demo to see KLIK in action and start saving money while upping your conferencing game.
KLIK Video Conferencing Integration - Smarter products for smart people.
About KLIKBoks, Inc.
KLIKBoks, Inc. develops disruptive collaboration technologies that boost productivity, enhance teamwork, and enrich the learning experience. Their KLIK and KLIKBoks product lines offer innovative, easy-to-use solutions for seamless hybrid collaboration in meeting rooms, huddle spaces, classrooms, and event spaces. KLIKBoks, Inc. is headquartered in Seattle, WA (https://www.klikboks.com).